Anna Schulte Beermann- Celebrating an October Birthday – 52 Ancestors 2015 #40

Week 40 of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks is broadly themed “October.” I went back through my ancestors looking for the first October date for someone I have not yet written about. Anna Schulte Beermann came up first.

Anne Schulte Biermann

Anne Schulte Biermann

You would think that I would know a lot about my great-grandmother. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on 22 October 1861 and died there in 1931; my dad knew her until he was nine. Some years ago, I asked him what his grandmother was like. He responded, “I don’t know. I don’t think I ever heard her say two words.” I said, surely that couldn’t be true. Dad answered that “she probably talked with the women when they were all together in the kitchen,” but that he didn’t remember her saying anything around him.  Often I have seen her name as Anne, so that is how I will mostly refer to her.

Anne Schulte Biermann and John F. Biermann (Baier Farm, Illinois)

Anne Schulte Biermann and John F. Biermann (Baier Farm, Illinois)

I don’t really know if his recollections were just poor, or if Anne was a simply and extremely shy woman. Years ago, probably sometime in the 1970’s, my grandfather Biermann made a cassette recording of his memories. I don’t know what became of it, but I am hoping that it may turn up in my father’s things. I imagine he would have spoken about his mother and father, so I would really like to locate that tape.

So, what do I know about Anne? Her father was Johann Heinrich Schulte from Lorup by Sögel in Lower Saxony, Germany, and her mother was Christena Ostendorf of Ibbenbüren in Westphalia. Christena, only 36 years old, died suddenly (probably of a stroke) in February of 1878 when Anne was 16 years old. Her brother Henry was just 10 and her little sister Minnie had just turned 6 at the time of their mother’s death.
Death of Christena Schulte - Thursday February 28 1878 Cincinnati Daily Gazette

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, February 28, 1878, Page: 4

From the family story, Anne’s life couldn’t have been too pleasant. We don’t know when their father became a drunkard, but the children were often summoned to come get their father to bring him home because he was inebriated on the street. On 6 June 1880, at the age of 18, Anne married John F. Beermann on his birthday. Anne and Minnie are supposed to have gone through Christena’s clothes and personal items to make a trousseau for Anne. Although a cigar maker by trade, John Schulte purchased a saloon with his son-in-law, who was a carpenter. This was probably not the best investment for either man as the business did not last.

Anne and John had five children, Clifford, Hilda, Anna, Mae and John, Jr.  Here is a photo of the entire family with their spouses.

Biermann Family - (left to right: John J. Biermann, Jr., Henry Schatz, John F Biermann, Gustie Schatz, Anne Schulte Biermann, Clifford Biermann, Bessie Kemp Biermann, Mae Biermann Sieter, Hilda Biermann Reinerman, Ed Reinerman, Anna Biermann (Frank)

Biermann Family – (left to right: John J. Biermann, Jr., Henry Schatz, John F Biermann, Gustie Schatz, Anne Schulte Biermann, Clifford Biermann, Bessie Lavin Biermann, Mae Biermann Sieter, Hilda Biermann Reinerman, Ed Reinerman, Anna Biermann (Frank), Katherine Schatz Biermann.

I am grateful to have photos of Anna with her family. It helps me feels as though I know her a little. She was a petite woman and, from what I have seen, she and her sister Minnie closely resembled one another. I am under the impression that Anne had a good life with her husband and children. She died on 27 March 1931 of arteriosclerosis at the age of 69. Her husband survived her by seven years.

4 comments on “Anna Schulte Beermann- Celebrating an October Birthday – 52 Ancestors 2015 #40

  1. Thank you for these wonderful pictures and family history. I believe their is a correction for Picture number three – Bessie Kemp Biermann should be Bessie Lavin Biermann. Bessie or Elizabeth Biermann is my Grandmother. I am Mary Biermann DeRoche (daughter of Bob (son of Cliff and Bessie) and Henrietta Biermann from Chicago)

    • Yes, you are correct! Thanks for catching it. I must have done that off the top of my head. I’m excited to meet you. Have you read my other posts on the Biermann family? I learned that our name was Konersman before it was Biermann /Beermann. I also found the birthplace of our ancestors in Germany.

    • If you didn’t see the blog entry “Johann Christian Beermann – How the Word “Genannt” Shakes up Everything – 52 Ancestors #52″ you should find it interesting: http://wp.me/p4ioO6-8u

      I think you and I are second cousins, Mary.

      • Dear Cheryl,
        Just yesterday I was with my brother Bob Biermann Jr. and asked him if he had the pictures of our grandpa’s Drug Store. He has them but not sure where they are – so when I got home I started doing my own search on the internet and I came across your picture of the Biermann Drug Store. What a surprise! God is so good. I love all your pictures, all your stories and I feel this whole new world has opened up to me.

        It may take me a while to piece together all the pieces of our ancestry. As for our ancestors in Germany and the name change – I am not there yet. I am afraid I have been consumed with this all day – I felt like I got to know John F. Biermann and Anne Schulte and that’s enough for one day – like you, I feel a pull to learn more – However, the reality is I am a teacher and won’t have much time until summer – I will go slowly but perhaps I can build a blog like you have – so I can help others to learn about our lineage.
        Anyway, I have one question, is your Dad still alive? My Aunt Jean has spoken so much about him. If so, please tell him, his cousin Jean Ann is 91 and living in a very nice nursing home. She has Alzheimers but is very sweet, lively and content. My sister Patti and I take turns taking her out every other week or so. I took a picture with her yesterday but it is not copying over to this site. It would be easier if I could text it or email it to you.
        Nice to meet you, my dear 2nd cousin!
        Gratefully yours,

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