Tag Archive | Maune

John F. Beermann – Closest to My Birthday – 52 Ancestors 2015 – #4

The theme this week for 52 Ancestors is”Closest to your Birthday.”  Perfect! I was born on the birthday of my great-grandfather, John F. Beermann (later changed to Biermann). He was born 6 June 1862 in Cincinnati, Ohio, to recent immigrants, William Joseph Beermann and Mary Elizabeth Maune Beermann. On 6 June 1880, John F. Beermann […]

Kate Daniel: One Arm Annie? – 52 Ancestors #20

Entry #20 I have long been fascinated by this photo of Kate Daniel. Kate, born 28 October 1890 was the youngest daughter of Gerhardt and Mary Daniel. As you can see, the photo has the inscription, “1 arm Annie” on the left. On the right, it appears to say, “Please be 2 to me your […]

Wilhelm Joseph Beermann – Cincinnati Blacksmith – 52 Ancestors #15

Entry #15 My three greats grandfather, Josef Wilhelm “William” Beermann, came to Cincinnati, Ohio, from somewhere in Hannover around 1859-1861. It is possible that he is the Wilhelm Beermann found on the ship’s passenger list for the Admiral Browning which arrived in Baltimore Harbor in November 1860. Three pieces of data make me like him […]