Tag Archive | Groeschel

Curt Gröschel – Finding Family in Saxony – 52 Ancestors 2015 #45

Week  45 of 52 Ancestors had no theme. We were free to write on any topic. It’s the perfect time for this as I made a huge discovery. I think it was right in front of my nose all along. This has been a great year for researching my Lindner family. The addition of the […]

Heinrich August Gustave Lindner – The Will of Uncle Gus – 52 Ancestors #35

Entry #35 Uncle Gus was one of the few members of my Linder family to settle in the United States. My mom and aunt both mentioned him from time to time. This is not surprising as Uncle Gus lived with their family for a while when they were growing up. He was actually their grand […]